Transform Your Body: The Ideal 6-Day Gym Workout Schedule

Following a 6 day gym workout schedule might be the best plan to reach your fitness objectives. With time, improved progress and results can be achieved through the systematic workload distribution and optimization of training effectiveness provided by this structured weekly workout plan. Let’s take you through the best 6 day gym workout schedule that promotes strength and muscle growth in all of the main muscle groups. This Monday to Saturday gym workout plan has many benefits, but it's especially good for people who want to gain muscle and strengthen quickly.

How does a 6 day gym workout schedule for beginners benefit?

  • The 6 days gym workout plan allows for training all major muscle groups twice per week, facilitating optimal muscle stimulation and growth.
  • With a weekly workout plan, individuals can perform numerous exercises and sets within each session, achieving the desired volume efficiently and saving time.
  • Each session of the 6 days gym workout plan is less demanding compared to fewer weekly workouts, resulting in reduced fatigue and muscle soreness.
  • This Monday to Saturday gym workout plan is highly effective for strength gains, as it provides ample opportunities to train in primary lifts without excessive fatigue, enabling consistent performance and technique improvement.
  • Alongside compound lifts, additional assistance and isolation exercises can be incorporated in the weekly workout plan to promote muscle hypertrophy while enhancing strength development.

What Nutrients Does Your Body Need After A Summer Gym Session?

  • Carbohydrates – To replenish energy
  • Proteins – To help muscle repair & growth
  • Sodium – To restore balance through sweat
  • Fluids – To replenish lost water & electrolytes

Day 1: Chest and Triceps

Ready to sculpt a strong and defined upper body? Dive into a push-focused workout targeting your chest and triceps! With a mix of compound and isolation exercises, you'll effectively train these muscle groups for improved strength and size.

You can engage in exercises like Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Flyes, Incline Dumbbell Press, Suspended Push-ups, Trainer Chest Press, and Tricep Dips.

chest workout of muscular man

Day 2: Back and Biceps

Forge a powerful back and biceps with this pull-focused workout. Enhance strength, muscle definition, and posture while reducing injury risk.

Exercises you can do include low rows, Bent-over low rows, Bent-over barbell rows, pull-ups, single-arm dumbbell rows, Barbell curls, and Hammer curls.

back and bichep workout posing

Day 3: Leg Day – Hamstrings

Shift focus to your lower body with this hamstring-centric workout. Strengthen and flex those hamstrings for improved lower body strength and athletic performance.

Engage in Romanian deadlifts, single-glute bridges, Hamstring curls, Nordic hamstring curls, seated leg curl machine, and Barbell hip thrusts.

back and bichep workout posing

Day 4: Shoulders & Abs

Amp up your posture, stability, and upper body strength with this shoulder and core-focused session. Perfect for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike, this routine will push your limits.

Exercises such as shoulder press, plank, lateral raises, Arnold press, and side plank can b incorporated on day 4.

Man doing shoulder workout

Day 5: Push-Pull Supersets

Maximize efficiency and challenge with push-pull supersets. Engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously for a well-rounded upper body workout.

Combine Push-ups and seated cable rows, close-grip bench press & lat pulldowns, Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions & Barbell Bicep Curls for a dynamic session.

Man doing weightlifting

Day 6: Leg Day – Quad Focus

Target strong and defined quads with this leg-day quad-focused workout. Improve lower body strength, stability, and performance.

Indulge in Barbell back squats, dumbbell lunges, leg press, Bulgarian split squats, calf raises, and feel the burn.

Begin each session with a dynamic warm-up to prep your muscles and joints. Adjust weights and reps to match your fitness level, progressing gradually over time.

leg extension machine workout

Here’s the gist of your weekly workout plan:

Day Workout
Monday Chest & Triceps
Tuesday Back & Biceps
Wednesday Legs - Hamstrings
Thursday Shoulder & Abs
Friday Push-Pull Supersets
Saturday Legs - Quad focus

Supercharge Your 6-Day Workout Plan with Scitron

So, you have explored a killer 6-day workout plan! That's fantastic! But to truly unlock its effectiveness, you need to power your body with the right nutrients! In that regard, consider incorporating some of Scitron's supplements:

Scitron Advance Whey Protein: This wholesome protein powder is essential for anyone hitting the gym daily. It boosts energy, enhances muscle growth, and promotes rapid recovery. With 20 added vitamins and minerals, it also increases protein synthesis and improves immunity, ensuring overall performance maintenance.

Scitron Advance Isolate Whey Protein: Offering 27.4g of protein per serving, this supplement is enhanced with ingredients that support strength, muscle growth, and lean body mass.

Volcano Extreme Pre-Workout: Featuring Peak ATP and HMB, this pre-workout supplement is a great addition to your routine. It aids in faster lean muscle growth, reduces muscle breakdown, improves recovery, enhances blood flow, and extends workout duration from 1 hour to 2.5 hours.

So, why not give these supplements a try to maximize the effectiveness of your 6-day workout plan?

6 day workout split: Pros and Cons


  • Train all major muscle groups 2-3 times weekly, customizable to your schedule.
  • Ideal for strength gains, offering frequent practice with core lifts.
  • Spread out weekly sets for shorter, less demanding sessions.
  • Optimal muscle hypertrophy with six workouts.
  • Versatile scheduling options: push/pull/legs, upper/lower, and more.
  • Establishes a consistent workout habit as part of your routine.


  • Committing to daily workouts can be challenging for some.
  • Sustainability may be an issue for those with busy schedules or frequent travel.
  • Limited recovery time with only one day off per week increases burnout risk.
  • Requires meticulous programming for adequate recovery.
  • Higher risk of joint and connective tissue stress, potentially leading to injuries.

Wrapping up!

Recovery is just as vital as training for muscle growth. Training stresses muscles, joints, and the nervous system, but with proper recovery, your body adapts and grows stronger. Introducing rest days between workouts, like in a 5x5 program, allows for muscle repair and steady progress. However, a 6 day workout split provides only one recovery day for every six workouts, potentially leading to recovery issues. This split suits individuals with ample time and experience, but maintaining a calorie surplus is crucial for growth. To prevent fatigue and overtraining, keep workouts shorter. For example, if your sessions last 75 minutes four times a week, aim for 50-minute sessions on a weekly workout plan to maintain overall training length.

So, we hope we will get an overall insight. And lastly it can be said to follow a proper nutrition and healthy balanced diet to maximize the benefits of your workout plan. Incorporating Scitron whey protein and pre-workout supplements will be your best partners in achieving your fitness goals!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is 6 days a week gym enough?

Yes, 6 day workout split can be sufficient for many people to achieve their fitness goals. However, the effectiveness depends on various factors such as individual fitness level, workout intensity, and recovery time.

2. What is best schedule for gym?

The best gym schedule varies based on individual goals, availability, and preferences. However, a balanced approach typically includes a mix of strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and rest days for recovery. It's essential to create a sustainable schedule that allows for adequate rest and recovery between workouts.

3. How do you divide 6 days in the gym?

Common approaches for 6 days gym workout plan include splitting muscle groups (e.g., upper body, lower body, push/pull) or focusing on different aspects of fitness (e.g. strength training, cardio, flexibility).