Effective Push Pull Legs Workout Routines to Try


Push Pull Legs workout (PPL)training split has become a favorite for many gym-goers due to its effectiveness, efficiency, and versatility. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or a seasoned lifter aiming for serious muscle growth, a push pull legs workout plan can be adapted to your specific goals and experience level. Let's get into discussing the best push pull legs routine and help you craft the perfect one to propel you towards your fitness aspirations!

Understanding The Push Pull Legs Workout

The pull push legs workout split is a popular training strategy for lifters of all levels. It revolves around dividing your exercises into three distinct categories based on their primary function: pushing, pulling, and working your legs. This method offers a structured approach that ensures you target all major muscle groups efficiently while allowing for sufficient recovery.

  • Push: Targets muscles involved in pushing movements, like your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Think exercises like bench press, shoulder press, and tricep extensions.

  • Pull: Focuses on muscles used for pulling motions, primarily your back and biceps. This includes exercises like deadlifts, pull-ups, and barbell rows.

  • Legs: Trains your entire lower body, including quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. Squats, leg press, and hamstring curls are some staples here.

By training these muscle groups on separate days, you allow for dedicated focus and proper recovery for each area.

Benefits Of Push Pull Legs Workout

The Push Pull Legs (PPL) workout split has risen to become a favorite among fitness enthusiasts for a multitude of reasons. This structured approach offers a unique blend of efficiency and effectiveness, making it suitable for both beginners and seasoned gym-goers. Let's delve into the key advantages that make push pull legs workout so popular:

  • Improved Efficiency: Training related muscle groups together maximizes your workout time.

  • Enhanced Muscle Growth: Focusing on specific muscle groups allows for targeted growth and development.

  • Better Recovery: Dedicating a day to each major muscle group allows for ample recovery time between workouts.

  • Reduced Injury Risk: By avoiding overtraining specific muscle groups, you can minimize the risk of injuries.

  • Versatility: The PPL split can be adapted to various fitness levels and goals.

Things To Consider For An Effective Push Pull Legs Workout Plan

Building a well-rounded and effective push pull legs workout plan for muscle gain requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are some key elements to keep in mind:

  • Exercise Selection: Prioritize compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. These exercises stimulate greater muscle growth and hormonal response compared to isolation exercises. Examples include squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, and rows. However, don't neglect isolation exercises entirely. They can be valuable tools for targeting specific muscle groups or addressing weaknesses. Choose a balanced combination of compound and isolation exercises for each muscle group.

  • Progressive Overload: This principle is essential for continued muscle growth and strength gains. It essentially means gradually increasing the stress placed on your muscles over time. You can achieve progressive overload by increasing the weight you lift, the number of repetitions you perform, or the number of sets you complete. It's important to make these increases gradually to avoid injury and plateaus.

  • Training Volume: This refers to the total amount of work you perform per muscle group. It's influenced by the number of sets, reps, and weight lifted for each exercise. Beginners can start with a moderate training volume and gradually increase it as they get stronger. Experienced lifters can handle a higher training volume to stimulate more muscle growth.

  • Rest Periods: Allow sufficient rest between sets to recover enough energy to perform the next set with proper form. Rest periods will vary depending on your goals and the exercise selection. For strength training (lower reps, heavier weights), use longer rest periods (2-3 minutes). For hypertrophy training (moderate reps, moderate weights), use moderate rest periods (1-2 minutes). For endurance training (higher reps, lighter weights), use shorter rest periods (30-60 seconds).

  • Frequency: This refers to how often you train each muscle group per week. The PPL split typically involves training each muscle group once a week. However, advanced lifters may benefit from training each muscle group twice a week with a higher training split, such as a push pull legs 6 day split.

Sample Push Pull Leg Workout Plan

The Push Pull Legs (PPL) split provides a structured and effective way to train your entire body. Here's a sample workout plan for each day, outlining key exercises and rep/set recommendations. Be sure to consult with a trainer for a personalized plan and always prioritize proper form over lifting heavier weights.

Push Day (Focuses on chest, shoulders, and triceps)

  • Bench Press (4 sets of 8-12 reps): The king of chest exercises, the bench press builds foundational strength in your upper chest, shoulders, and triceps. Maintain a controlled descent, bringing the barbell to your chest before pressing back up explosively.

  • Overhead Press (3 sets of 8-12 reps): This compound exercise strengthens your shoulders and triceps. Press the dumbbells or barbell directly overhead while keeping your core engaged and back straight.

  • Incline Dumbbell Press (3 sets of 10-15 reps): Target the upper portion of your chest with this variation of the bench press. Adjust the incline angle to challenge your upper pecs.

  • Lateral Raise (3 sets of 12-15 reps): Isolate your lateral deltoids (outer shoulders) with lateral raises. Focus on lifting the dumbbells with a slight bend in your elbows, keeping your core tight.

  • Tricep Pushdowns (3 sets of 12-15 reps): This isolation exercise targets your triceps for focused development. Choose a weight that allows you to maintain proper form throughout the reps.

Push workout routine

Source: Pinterest

Pull Day (Focuses on back and biceps)

  • Deadlift (4 sets of 6-8 reps): The deadlift is a king among exercises, working your entire posterior chain (back, glutes, hamstrings). Maintain a flat back and engage your core throughout the lift.

  • Pull-Ups (3 sets of as many reps as possible): The pull-up is a fantastic back builder that requires minimal equipment. If you can't perform full pull-ups, use an assisted pull-up machine or perform negatives (slowly lowering yourself from the top position).

  • Barbell Rows (3 sets of 8-12 reps): This compound exercise strengthens your upper back and biceps. Keep your back straight and core engaged as you row the barbell towards your chest.

  • Seated Cable Rows (3 sets of 10-12 reps): Isolate your mid-back muscles with seated cable rows. Maintain proper posture and focus on squeezing your shoulder blades back during each rep.

  • Bicep Curls (3 sets of 12-15 reps): This classic bicep exercise can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell. Keep your elbows tucked in close to your body and focus on contracting your biceps to curl the weight.

Pull workout routine

Source: Pinterest

Legs Day (Focuses on quads, hamstrings, calves)

  • Squats (4 sets of 8-12 reps): The squat is another fundamental exercise, building strength in your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Descend with control, keeping your back straight and core engaged.

  • Leg Press (3 sets of 10-15 reps): The leg press provides a machine-assisted way to target your quads. Adjust the foot placement to emphasize different areas of your quads.

  • Hamstring Curls (3 sets of 12-15 reps): Isolate your hamstrings with hamstring curls. Focus on feeling the contraction in your hamstrings as you curl the weight towards your glutes.

  • Calf Raises (3 sets of 15-20 reps): Don't neglect your calves! Perform calf raises using a calf raise machine or with your bodyweight. Aim for a full range of motion on each rep.

Legs day routine

Source: Pinterest

Advanced Push Pull Legs Workout Routines

The best push pull legs routine is a fantastic foundation for building muscle and strength. But for experienced lifters seeking to push their limits and accelerate progress, a 6-day PPL split can be a game-changer. This advanced variation cranks up the training volume and intensity, allowing you to overload your muscles in a strategic way.

Here's what a Push Pull Legs 6-day split typically looks like:

  • Day 1: Push (Upper Chest Focus)

  • Day 2: Pull (Back Thickness Focus)

  • Day 3: Legs

  • Day 4: Rest

  • Day 5: Push (Lower Chest & Shoulders)

  • Day 6: Pull (Bicep & Grip Strength Focus)

  • Day 7: Rest

This split allows you to hit each muscle group twice a week with a specific focus on different areas within the push and pull categories. For example, Day 1 might prioritize exercises that target your upper chest, while Day 5 focuses on your lower chest and shoulders. Similarly, Day 2 concentrates on building back thickness, while Day 6 emphasizes bicep development and grip strength.

Tips for Maximizing Results with a Push Pull Legs Workout

Here are some additional points to consider for optimal results:

  • Nutrition and Recovery: Proper nutrition and adequate rest are crucial for muscle growth and repair. Consider protein supplements like Scitron Advance Whey protein for optimal nutrition and Scitron Volcano Extreme Pre-workout for explosive energy and recovery.

  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your performance (weight lifted, reps achieved) to gauge progress and make adjustments to your plan as needed.

  • Common Mistakes to Avoid: Using improper form, neglecting rest days, and neglecting core training are all pitfalls to avoid.

Ending Note!

The Push Pull Legs workout split is a powerful tool for anyone looking to build muscle, improve strength, and enhance overall fitness. By understanding the core principles, designing your plan, and following these tips, you can create the best ppl workout plan that propels you towards your goals!

In addition to Push Pull Leg workouts, you can also check out our comprehensive guides on Push Ups, Back Exercises, Chest Workouts, and much more!

Frequently Asked Questions on Push Pull Legs

1- Is push pull legs a good workout routine?

Yes, the push pull legs (PPL) split is a popular and effective workout routine for lifters of all levels. It efficiently targets all major muscle groups while allowing for proper recovery.

2- Is push pull leg effective?

Absolutely! A push pull legs routine is designed to promote muscle growth, improve strength, and enhance overall fitness. By focusing on specific muscle groups each day, you can ensure they get adequate attention and stimulation.

3- Is PPL 3 times a week enough?

A 3-day PPL routine can be effective for beginners. However, experienced lifters may benefit from a higher training frequency, such as a push pull legs 6 day split, which allows them to train each muscle group twice a week.

4- What is a good push pull schedule?

The best push pull legs routine depends on your experience and goals. Beginners can start with a basic 3-day split (Push, Pull, Legs). As you progress, consider a 6-day split with two dedicated push days, two pull days, and a leg day. Remember to prioritize rest and recovery days throughout your program.