Types of Push Ups for a Full Body Workout

Push up exercise is a fantastic bodyweight exercise that requires no equipment and can be done almost anywhere. But don't be fooled by their simplicity - push-ups can be incredibly effective at building upper body strength, targeting your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. With so many variations available, there's a push-up out there to challenge every fitness level.

Benefits Of Incorporating Push Up Exercise Into Your Workout Routine

Forget expensive gym memberships and fancy equipment! Push-ups are a powerful bodyweight exercise that can be done almost anywhere, making them a fantastic addition to any workout routine. But don't be fooled by their simplicity. Push-ups are incredibly effective at building upper body strength, targeting your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. In fact, the benefits of push-ups extend far beyond just sculpted arms and a defined chest. Here are a few reasons why you should consider incorporating push-ups into your exercise regimen:

  • Increased Strength and Muscle Mass: Push-ups work multiple muscle groups at once, helping you build overall strength and muscle mass.
  • Improved Core Stability: Maintaining a straight plank position during a push-up engages your core muscles, leading to better core stability and posture.
  • Enhanced Functional Fitness:Push-ups mimic everyday pushing motions, improving your functional fitness for daily activities.
  • Convenience and Versatility: Push-ups require no equipment and can be done anywhere, making them a convenient and versatile exercise option.

A List of 20 Types of Push Ups

  • Standard Push Up
  • Regular Push Up
  • Wide Push Up
  • Incline Push Up
  • Decline Push Up
  • Diamond Push Up
  • Clap Push Up
  • Narrow Grip Push Up
  • Knee Push Ups
  • Handstand Push-Up
  • Pike Push-Up
  • Wide-Grip Push-Up
  • T-Push-Up
  • Reverse-Grip Push-Up
  • Spiderman Push-Up
  • Pseudo Planche Push-Up
  • Tiger Push-Up
  • Close-Grip Push-Up
  • Reverse-Grip Push-Up
  • Archer Push-Up

Basic Push Up Exercise

    • Standard Push-Up

The foundation for all variations. Start in a plank with hands shoulder-width apart, lower your chest to the ground, and push back up. This builds overall upper body strength in your chest, shoulders, and triceps, while engaging your core for stability.

Source: Giphy
    • Knee push ups

The knee push-up, also known as a modified push-up or "girl push-up," is a beginner-friendly variation of the traditional push-up. This exercise reduces the intensity by supporting some of the body's weight on the knees, making it accessible for those who are building upper body strength or recovering from an injury.

Source: Giphy

Pushups For Chest

    • Wide Push Up

Similar to standard, but with hands wider than shoulder-width apart. This variation emphasizes your lower chest muscles for a deeper workout.

Source: Giphy
    • Incline Push Up

Great for beginners! Performed with hands elevated on a bench or wall, this makes lowering yourself down easier, building foundational strength in your chest, shoulders, and core.

    • Narrow Grip Push Ups

This variation involves placing the hands closer together, directly under the chest. It primarily targets the triceps, inner chest, and shoulders, increasing the difficulty compared to a standard push-up.

    • Clap Push Up

An explosive variation for advanced users, requiring power to propel yourself off the ground for a mid-push-up clap. This builds upper body power and coordination. Builds upper body power and coordination.

Source: Giphy

Upper Chest Push Up

    • Decline Push Up

Leaning forward with feet elevated on a bench increases difficulty. It targets your lower pecs and shoulders more for a challenging chest workout.

Shoulder Push Ups

    • Pike Push-Up

Angling your body upwards with hands close to your shoulders makes it easier on the lower body. Great for beginners, strengthening shoulders and upper chest. Targets shoulders and upper chest, good for beginners

Source: Giphy
    • Handstand Push-Up

The ultimate shoulder challenge! Performed upside down in a handstand position, demanding incredible upper body and core strength. Advanced shoulder and core strength, incredible upper body power.

    • Spiderman push-ups

As you lower your body in a push-up, bring one knee to the side towards your elbow, mimicking a crawling motion. This exercise engages the core, obliques, and hip flexors while working the chest and triceps.

Source: Pinterest
    • Archer Push-Up

Each rep involves bringing one hand diagonally forward under your chest as you lower yourself. This variation improves core stability and balance while working your chest and shoulders. Core stability, balance, chest and shoulder workout.

Push Ups For Back

    • Plyometric push-ups

Perform a standard push-up but push off the ground explosively so that your hands leave the floor. This move builds power and explosiveness in the upper body, focusing on fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Source: Pinterest
    • T-Push-Up

Get ready to work your shoulders and core with this unique variation. Your hands form a T-shape on the ground, challenging your stability as you perform the push-up. Core stability and shoulder workout.

    • Superman Push-Up

This exercise combines a push-up with a simultaneous leg extension, strengthening your core and lower back alongside your upper body. Core, lower back, and upper body workout.

Source: tenor

Bicep Push Ups

    • One-armed pushup

The one-armed push-up is an advanced variation of the traditional push-up that requires significant strength, balance, and stability. Performing a one-armed push-up involves lifting and lowering your body using only one arm, while the other arm is either placed behind your back or kept at your side.

Source: Tenor
    • Close-stance pushup

Similar to the narrow grip push-up, but with hands placed slightly wider than directly beneath the chest and closer than shoulder-width. This targets the triceps and chest, requiring more effort from the stabilizing muscles.

    • Inside pushup with reversed hands

Place your hands on the floor with fingers pointing towards your feet instead of forward. This unusual hand position targets the forearms, wrists, and the lower portion of the chest, providing a unique challenge.

Tricep Push Ups

    • Close-Grip Push-Up

Similar to the diamond push-up, brings hands closer together, emphasizing tricep development. Focused tricep development.

Source: Giphy
    • Diamond pushups

The diamond push-up, also known as a triangle push-up, is a variation of the traditional push-up that specifically targets the triceps, as well as the chest and shoulders. This exercise gets its name from the diamond shape formed by placing the hands close together under the chest.

Source: Giphy
    • Stability Ball Push Up

Perform push-ups with your hands placed on a stability ball, requiring increased balance and core engagement. This variation activates stabilizer muscles in the shoulders, chest, and core due to the unstable surface.

This list of 20 types of push-ups will take you on a journey through various push-up progressions, targeting different muscle groups and challenging your core in new ways. So, whether you're a beginner looking to build foundational strength or a seasoned athlete seeking a new challenge, there are all types of pushups here waiting to be explored!

How To Do Push Ups For Beginners? Tips & Tricks

  • If standard push-ups are too challenging, modify the exercise by performing knee push-ups (knees on the ground) or incline push-ups (hands elevated on a bench or wall).
  • Focus on proper form over the number of repetitions. It's better to do fewer push-ups with good form than many with poor form.
  • Gradually increase the number of repetitions or sets as you get stronger.

By mastering the standard push-up, you'll build a solid foundation for exploring other push-up variations and taking your upper body strength to the next level.

Popular Types Of Push Ups For Beginners

If you're new to fitness and wondering how to do push ups for beginners, don't get discouraged! Here are a few push up variations to help you build the strength you need:

  • Incline Push-Ups: Start by placing your hands on a raised surface like a bench or chair. This makes the exercise easier by reducing the amount of weight you need to push.
  • Knee Push-Ups: Perform push-ups with your knees on the ground instead of your toes. This takes some of the strain off your upper body.
  • Wall Push-Ups: Stand facing a wall with your hands shoulder-width apart slightly lower than shoulder height on the wall. Lean in and perform push-ups against the wall.


Push-ups are a fantastic exercise for building upper body strength, core stability, and overall fitness. With a variety of modifications and progressions available, there's a push-up variation suitable for every fitness level. So, why not add push-ups to your workout routine and experience the benefits for yourself?

However, push-ups demand strength and energy, and after a rigorous workout, your muscles need quick recovery. This is where the right supplements come into play. Scitron offers top-quality protein powders, pre-workouts, and post-workout supplements to enhance your performance and speed up recovery. Make Scitron your workout partner and take your fitness to the next level!

Frequently Asked Questions on Pushup

1- Which type of pushup is best?

The "best" push up exercise depends on your fitness level. Beginners can start with incline or knee push-ups, while more advanced exercisers can try decline, diamond, or archer push-ups.

2- What is the hardest push-up?

Generally, one-arm push-ups are considered the most challenging types of push ups.

3- What is a military push-up?

A military push-up is a standard push-up performed with a faster tempo and sometimes with a tuck jump at the end.

4- How many types of pushups are there?

There are many variations of push-ups, but this list covers 20 types of push-ups.

5- How to do correct push-ups?

Refer back to the "Basic Push Up Exercise" section for detailed instructions on proper push-up form. Remember, focus on maintaining a straight line with your body, keeping your core engaged, and using controlled movements throughout the exercise.