Pre-Workout Vs Post-Workout Protein: Different Ways To Get High Protein

The fitness industry is thriving on Protein Supplements. If you look around any gym these days, there’ll be no shortage of fitness enthusiasts chugging down a protein shake before or after their workout.

So, do you need protein shakes to achieve your training and nutrition goals? Undoubtedly! A protein shake is arguably one of the best supplements. It’s extremely convenient and practical to use. However, when is the best time to have a protein shake? Is it before or after the workout?

This blog by Scitron will tell you how protein shakes work and when the best time is to take them for your training goals.

When should you consume protein - before or after exercise? 

It makes sense that you would want to schedule your protein consumption around your training, but when is the optimal time to eat protein and how much do you need? Protein is necessary to support muscle growth and recovery after a strenuous workout.

Make sure your priorities are in order before deciding whether before or after exercise is the optimum time for you to consume your protein shake. You should consider how much protein you require each day.

For most people with body composition goals, 1.8 to 2.2 g of protein per kilogramme of body weight is ideal. This is when you need to think about whether you.

Pre-workout shakes 

When you exercise, you place your body under controlled stress. No matter what kind of exercise you do, one common aim will be to maintain muscle mass. For this, you need protein. Protein is needed because muscles tend to get damaged when you exercise. Although protein might not prevent the soreness that comes with training, it can provide the building blocks of amino acids to help you recover.

You need protein in your system a few hours before you start training. This is because you need to have enough amino acids, which can help muscle protein synthesis (MPS). This is a signal telling the body to grow muscle and recover. Protein digestion rates vary depending on the type of protein consumed.

Pre-workout shakes are a convenient way to absorb protein roughly an hour before training without having to worry about feeling full and bloated when exercising. Another good reason to reach for a pre-workout protein shake could be that you train early in the morning or rush off during your lunch break and simply don’t have time to eat before training.

The main reason to consume a pre-workout shake is that it’s convenient for your lifestyle, as you’re looking to add protein to your daily intake and for help towards reaching your health and fitness goals. Once you have consumed a pre-workout protein shake, the amino acids present in the protein will be available in your bloodstream during and right after your workout to help your body build and repair muscles.

Post-workout shakes 

A tough training session is very stressful on the body, and what your body needs after this is some high-quality protein to help rebuild and repair the damage that was caused. One of the benefits of using a post-workout shake is that you are using a high-quality protein source to fuel the anabolic process in your body. Your body needs both decent quantity and quality to perform at its best, and a shake checks both boxes.

This is because, depending on what kind of shake you get, the protein could be readily available and quickly used to build muscle rather than waiting for a solid meal to digest.

A post-workout protein has a few major benefits. Depending on the source, they often have high bioavailability. This means that the protein is used very well in the body compared to that from a different source, such as solid food. If you use more water or milk with your post-workout shake, then you will also be replenishing water levels in the body, which is important for optimal muscle growth and recovery. There’s the added bonus of convenience, too.

Which protein shake is best for your workout? 

Whether you are consuming a shake before or after your workout, whey protein comes out to be on top. Whey protein is the most bioavailable protein on the market; it beats both solid foods and other protein supplements. When a protein has a high bioavailability, this means it is absorbed and used very efficiently in the body. Whey protein has a bioavailability somewhere between 90% and 100%, so it comes out on top when compared to other convenient protein sources.

You also have a timing benefit when you use whey protein. Protein from whey is broken down very quickly compared to other proteins, and its amino acids are readily available within roughly an hour.

Which is more important, a pre- or post-workout protein shake? 

The answer is that it really depends on you. It comes down to personal preference

The benefit of adding some high-quality whey protein to the diet is its bioavailability, as it can be quickly digested and used for muscle building.

It really comes down to a preference- and convenience-based factor. You could go for a pre-workout, a post-workout, or both kinds of proteins. There is one rule, however: make sure you get good-quality protein before and after your training. How long before or after your training should you consume your pre- or post-workout protein shake? That totally depends on what type of protein you are consuming. General guidelines say that anywhere from 1 to 3 hours before training and 1 to 2 hours after training is a good

Scitron Asli Protein Try Kar! 

It is extremely important to consume the best kind of protein no matter whether you choose to consume it before or after your workout, or both.

  1. Scitron Pre-Workout Protein
  2. Scitron ADVANCE Whey Protein
  3. Scitron RIPPED Whey Protein
  4. Scitron PERFORMANCE Whey Protein
  5. Scitron Whey Protein collection