What Is Plant-Based Protein Powder?

Plant-based diets are becoming increasingly popular in professional sports as well as among people seeking to improve their health. Plant-based protein powders have become increasingly popular, but how and when should you use them?

In this blog we will be letting you know everything about Plant-based protein powders.

Before anything else, let us explain what plant-based protein powders actually are.
As the name suggests, plant-based protein powders are the protein powders that are derived from plants.

Why are they needed?

To meet the needs of people with various dietary restrictions and lifestyles, plant-based protein powders are gaining popularity.

Plant-based protein powders come from a variety of sources, including brown rice, pea, soy, and hemp. A powder may be manufactured from one type of plant or a combination of plants, depending on the brand.

Why are plant-based protein powders gaining popularity these days?

In comparison to whey protein, which is one of the most popular and used protein powders, the key points of plant-based protein powders -

Plant-based protein powders don't include dairy or lactose because they're manufactured completely of plants, making them an excellent choice for vegans or lactose intolerant people.

Whey and plant-based protein powders are equally effective at promoting muscular hypertrophy, or muscle growth, according to research, as long as they contain comparable levels of protein and BCAAs per serving.

Protein powders, both whey and plant-based, can help you lose weight by increasing feelings of fullness and preserving lean muscle mass, which is the fat-free component of your body.

Let us now compare the nutritional content of whey protein powder and plant-based protein powder -

Plant-based protein powder Vs Whey protein: Nutritional content

Note: The comparison here is done by taking Scitron’s Organic Plant Protein

Nutritional Information Scitron’s Organic Plant Protein (Per serve of 31g)  Scitron’s Organic Plant Protein (Per serve of 31g)
Energy 117 Kcal 121 Kcal
Protein 25g 14g (or less)
BCAAs 5g BCAAs and EAAs depend on the brand
Carbohydrate 0.062g 12g (depends on the brand)
Fat 1.55g (depends on the brand)

Benefits of consuming a plant-based protein powder -

1 Accomplish Your Muscle-Building Goals

Many individuals, including many fitness fanatics, believe that getting protein from plant-based sources will prevent you from gaining muscle.

Plant-based protein powder can undoubtedly help you gain muscle mass. There's no reason why you can't see benefits with plant-based protein as long as you follow the basic needs for muscle building (eating in a calorie surplus, achieving your daily protein goal, strength exercising on a regular basis, etc.).

Plant-based proteins have been shown in studies to have the same muscle-building benefits as whey protein. For example, a 12-week research comparing pea protein to whey protein found that weight-lifting males gained the same amount of muscle mass regardless of the protein source.

2 More Minerals And Vitamins

Many plant-based protein powders are high in vitamins and minerals, which the body requires to function properly. In most animal-based protein powders, these nutrients aren't present in significant amounts, if at all.

Pea protein, for example, has a high iron content. Brown rice protein is especially high in antioxidants and B vitamins, while fava bean protein is a strong source of manganese and copper.

When your diet is deficient in these and other key micronutrients, you're more likely to develop chronic health problems. For example, you might be more susceptible to certain types of cancer. You may also be at a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and mental health issues such as depression.

3 More Satisfaction

Protein is frequently referred to as the most satiating macronutrient by nutritionists. It increases levels of hormones linked with fullness and decreases levels of hormones related with hunger more than carbohydrates and fat.

The first step to regulating your hunger and losing weight is to reach your protein goal. Many athletes use protein powder to help them achieve this aim, and research suggests that plant-based protein powder is just as efficient at controlling appetite as dairy-based protein powder.

4 Improved Heart Health

Plant-based protein sources may be more advantageous to persons who have heart health concerns. This is especially true of pea protein powder, which is a plant-based protein powder.

Blood pressure and cholesterol levels have been proven to be reduced by pea protein powder. Pea protein consumption, when paired with other healthy practices such as regular exercise, may assist to enhance overall heart health.

5 There are less digestive problems.

Protein powder is familiar to most gym-goers. It's a must-have in their post-workout supplement stack, and they take it every day to help with muscle growth and recovery.

But traditional dairy-based protein powders might cause stomach problems for many people.

Do you, like 65 percent of the world's population, have a lactose intolerance? If this is the case, you may have trouble digesting dairy-based proteins. Bloating, gas, diarrhoea, and other unpleasant symptoms may occur.

For people who need more protein in their diet but can't eat dairy, a plant-based protein powder may be a better option. They'll be able to reap the benefits of protein supplementation while avoiding any undesirable consequences.

6 More dietary variety

In all aspects of our lives, including the food we eat, diversity is important.

Diversifying our meals can help us guarantee that we acquire enough macro and micronutrients on a regular basis. We can lower our chance of developing a number of ailments, including chronic health issues, by achieving these macro and micronutrient requirements.

Diet diversification is also beneficial to gut microbiota health. We supply more nutrients to the microorganisms in our digestive tract, or gut, when we eat a variety of meals, especially plant foods. This aids in the promotion of better bacteria balance, which can lead to improved digestion, mood, and skin.

It's important to remember that you don't have to eat a pure vegan diet to benefit from plant-based protein. In fact, those who primarily consume protein from animal sources may benefit the most from including additional plant protein sources into their diet.

You may be reaching your daily protein goal if you only consume protein from whey or other animal sources. However, you can be missing out on crucial micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals that are more abundant in plants than in animals.

After knowing all these benefits, you would want to buy a plant-based protein powder for yourself. But which one to choose among so many options available in the market? The answer is simple, choose Scitron. As can be seen from the table above, Scitron’s organic plant protein is providing you high amounts of protein along with BCAAs. It is a premium blend of organic pea protein isolate, organic brown rice protein isolate, and organic quinoa.
Check out www.scitron.com to know more about the product.