Expert Guide For Beginner's Workout Routine

Have you finally made up your mind? Ready to tread the path of fitness? Good job. Now that you are ready to lead a healthy life, you have won half the battle. You just need a little guidance on the workout routine you need in the initial days. In this blog we will tell you everything. From the jargon that you will be needing in everyday gym workout routine to the workouts that you need to follow religiously in the initial days. So gear up for the grill and let us get you your dream body.

Now, before anything else, basics are taught and therefore, we would like you to know certain basic things about workouts.

Workout routine jargon

Words related to exercises -

1. Cardiovascular exercises -

These exercises are also known as aerobic exercises as they are supposed to increase your heartbeat temporarily. Cycling, walking, running, swimming, skipping etc are the exercises that come in this category.

2. Stretching exercises -

As the name suggests, these exercises are for stretching your joints, muscles to bring movement in them.

3. Resistance training -

These exercises are also known as strength or weight training. These exercises are supposed to improve the strength and function of the muscles. Resistance is created for a particular muscle so that the strength of the muscle is used to lift the weights against that resistance.

Now that you know the types of exercises, you also need to know what they are called collectively when performed in pairs/groups.

1. Set -

Usage - In strength training exercises
Meaning - The number of times an exercise is repeated before taking rest.
For example, if you do 10 bench presses together before rest, then it would be called a “set” of 10 bench presses.

2. Rep or repetition -

Usage - In strength training exercises
Meaning - The number of times an exercise is repeated in one set.
For example, in the above example, if you do 10 bench presses together before resting in one set, then you have done 10 reps of the bench presses.

Alright, so now you are aware of the basics. Now let us get down to the main workout routine.

Now, before starting, we would like to clear up some misconceptions prevalent in the industry. It is a common misunderstanding that to build muscles and to start seeing even the initial cuts and shapes of muscles in the body, it would at least require you 8-12 weeks. But this is not entirely true. If you are able to get the first month or four weeks under your belt then you are more or less sorted. The first four weeks require you to be consistent, and dedicated. Therefore, we are going to tell you the extensive Beginner’s workout routine you need to follow in the initial four weeks to prepare your body and mind.

Beginner’s workout routine for the first four weeks

Workout routines in the first four weeks require you to be dedicated and persistent. Once you start doing the exercises that we are going to tell you, you will start seeing transformations in your body.

Best Workout routine for beginners-
Week 1: Full body workout
Week 2: Two day workout
Week 3: Three day workout
Week 4: Four day workout

Let us get down to the details of each week now.

Week 1: Full body workout

Full body workout means that you will be training the important muscles of the entire body in a single day.
The number of days you will be working out in week 1 is three. Make sure you take one day's rest after a day of full body workout.
You will be doing 3 sets of 10-12 reps with 2-3 mins of rest in all the below mentioned exercises.

1. Barbell bench press for Chest
2. Bentover barbell roll for Back
3. Squats for legs
4. Barbell shoulder press for shoulders
5. Tricep pressdown for triceps
6. Barbell curl for biceps
7. Standing calf raise for calves
8. Crunches for abs

Week 2: Two day workout

Two day workout means that you will be training your entire body but over the course of two days. You will be splitting the upper body and lower body workouts.
The number of days you will be working out in week 2 is four. Upper and lower body workouts would be done on consecutive days. (Monday-Tuesday), with a day of rest in between the second workout of the week (Thursday-Friday). exercises.

Upper body workout -
1. Bench press, Incline Dumbbell Flye for chest
2. Barbell Bentover Row, Lat Pulldown for back
3. Barbell Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Lateral Press for shoulders
4. Barbell Shrug for traps
5. Reverse Crunch, Crunch for Abdominals

Lower body workout -
1. Barbell Curl, Incline Dumbbell Curl for biceps
2. Close-grip Bench Press, Triceps Pressdown for triceps
3. Squat, leg extension, Lying Leg Curl for legs
4. Standing Calf Raise for calves
5. Seated Calf Raise for Abdominals

Week 3: Three day workout

Three day workout means that you will be training your entire body over the course of three days.
Day 1 - Train all “pushing” body parts (chest, shoulders, triceps)
Day 2 - Hit the legs and abs on; and
Day 3 - hit the “pulling” body parts (back, biceps)
The number of days you will be working out in week 3 is six. Each body part would be trained twice a week.
You will be doing 3 sets of 6-15 reps (depending on the exercise) with 2-3 mins of rest in all the below mentioned exercises.

Push day workout -
1. Bench Press, Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, and Incline Dumbbell Flye for chest
2. Barbell Shoulder Press, Smith Machine Upright Row, and Dumbbell Lateral Raise for shoulders
3. Close-grip Bench Press, Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension, and Triceps Extension for tricep
Leg and Abs workout -
1. Squat, Leg Press, and Lying Leg Curl for legs
2. Standing Calf Raise, and Seated Calf Raise for calves
3. Reverse Crunch, Crunch Oblique Cable Crunch, and Crunch for abs

Pull day workouts -
1. Bent Over Barbell Row, Lat Pulldown, and Seated Cable Row for chest
2. Barbell Shrug for traps
3. Barbell Curl, Incline Dumbbell Curl, and Preacher Curl for biceps
4. Wrist Curl for forearms

Week 4: Four day workout

In the fourth and final week of the program, you will train four days in a four-way split workout routine that hits each bodypart just once (except for calves and abs, which are each trained twice).
You will be doing 3 sets of 4-20 reps (depending on the exercise) with 1-3 mins of rest in all the below
You will be doing 3 sets of 8-10 reps with 2-3 mins of rest in all the below mentioned
mentioned exercises.
You will have to divide the days as your trainer suggests. The exercises are:

1. Bench Press, Dumbbell Incline Bench Press, Incline Dumbbell Flye, and Cable Crossover for chest
2. Close Grip Bench Press, Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension, and Triceps Pressdown for triceps
3. Hanging Leg Raise, Double Crunch Plank, and Plank for abs
4. Barbell Row, Lat Pulldown, Seated Cable Row, and Straight Row Pulldown for back
5. Barbell Curl, Incline Barbell Curl, and Preacher Curl for biceps
6. Wrist Curl, and Reverse Grip Wrist Curl for forearms
7. Squat, Leg Press, Leg Extension, and Romanian Deadlift for legs
8. Standing Calf Raise, and Seated Calf Raise for calves
9. Barbell Shoulder Press, Smith Machine Upright Row, Dumbbell Lateral Raise, and Dumbbell Rear-delt Raise for shoulders
10. Barbell Shrug, and Dumbbell Shrug for traps
11. Reverse Crunch, Crunch, and Oblique Cable Crunch for abs.

This Beginner’s workout routine will help you see visible differences in your body in just four weeks.
Along with exercise and workout, your diet also plays a major role to reach your dream body. Supplements are also vital to give you the extra that is required for your body to hit the gym. If you want authentic supplements, you should check out Scitron. We are India’s 1st Sports & Bodybuilding Nutrition Supplement Brand. If you are a fitness freak and keep looking for brands that offer genuine products with the best quality ingredients, then you should definitely check out Scitron. Scitron sources its raw materials from the leading supplier of nutritional raw material - Glanbia Nutritionals. Glanbia describe themselves as “a science-led, quality-obsessed and down-to-earth provider of innovative nutritional solutions to many of the world’s greatest brands.” Check out Scitron to check out the wide range of products that we offer.