The Ultimate Fat- Loss Muscle Gain Combo: A Ripped Body Workout Diet

Getting the ripped body of your dreams doesn’t have to be an unattainable goal; all you need is dedication, hard work, and a nutritious diet.

That’s right: if you want to build the best version of yourself and show off those killer abs, then it’s time to think about and start rethinking your eating habits.

Stay in touch with us for a detailed ripped body workout diet plan!

Unleashing Your Inner Beast:The Ultimate Ripped Body Workout Diet Plan

It is obvious that for a ripped body, it is not enough to just follow a proper workout routine. Along with maintaining a strict workout proper nutrition is also important when it comes to getting a well-toned body.

Before we turn to meal plans, here are some nutrition tips that you need to follow in order to get a satisfactory result from your ripped body workout diet plan!

7 Essential Workout Diet Tips

    • Eat breakfast every day

Eating a healthy, protein-filled breakfast is key to jump-starting your day and fueling your body with the energy to last the day.

    • Add Protein To Your Diet

Protein is the building block for strong muscles, and it’s important to get enough of it every day. Add lean meats, legumes, fish, and eggs to your meals to ensure you get your daily dose of protein.

In addition, if you are in a hurry and at the same time want to get the same amount of protein that you get from natural foods, try adding some high-quality protein powder to your diet.

And, nothing can be a better addition to your ripped body workout diet than Scitron’s Ripped Whey .

It consists of 30 grams of premium whey protein that helps build lean muscles.

Moreover, the interesting fact is that this protein powder consists of green tea extract, L-Carnitine, and L-Tartrate—these scientifically proven chemicals help turn your body fat into energy.

So, it’s an amazing creation of Scitron that is surely a perfect combo pack for fat loss and muscle gain.

    • Avoid Processed Food

Avoiding processed foods like packaged snacks and microwaveable meals will help keep your diet lean and healthy. Focus on consuming natural and whole foods.

    • Drink Plenty Of Water

Staying hydrated is a key part of any diet, but it's even more important for someone who is trying to get that toned body. Drink 8–10 glasses of water daily to keep your body in balance.

    • Plan Ahead

To maintain a perfect ripped body workout diet, you should plan your meals ahead of time. This will help keep your eating habits in check and your body fueled with the right nutrients.

    • Watch Portion Size

Keeping track of your portion sizes is essential to maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. Stick to sensible portions, such as eating an average-sized meal at breakfast, a smaller snack midmorning, a moderate-sized lunch, a small snack midafternoon, and a light dinner.

    • Get enough rest

Sleep is a crucial part of any diet, as your body needs adequate rest and recovery to function optimally. Along with maintaining a proper workout diet, it is also important to get 8 hours of deep and sound sleep every night.

Sample Meal Plan For Ripped Body Workout

To get a ripped and shredded body, you should take at least three to six meals a day. Here is a suggested meal plan for you that is great for getting ripped!

    • First Meal Or Wake Up Meal

In your Ripped Body Workout diet, the first meal or wake-up meal should include fast proteins and fruits that have a high glycemic index (high amounts of carbohydrates). You can take a glass of protein shake and a fruit such as a banana or pineapple.

    • Breakfast

Breakfast is a very crucial part of your everyday diet. And it is the same for a ripped-body workout diet plan. In a ripped body diet, breakfast should consist of a large amount of proteins and functional carbs. You should have 25 to 30 grams of protein in your breakfast meal.

If you are a vegetarian, then take

Chapati (1-2 medium), Paneer Sabji, Yogurt, and Sprouts

If you are a non-vegetarian, then you can opt for

Eggs (2-3) + Oatmeal + Milk or nuts or Chapati + Anda Bhurji + Yogurt + Salad

    • Morning Snack

After 2 hours of having breakfast, you can go for a light morning snack that consists of protein and carbs that take time to process.

If you are a vegetarian, then you can take

Roasted chickpeas + a fruit + salad

And, if you are not a vegetarian, you can go for brown rice, chicken, and broccoli.

    • Lunch

Your ripped body workout diet consists of a lunch meal that contains protein and slow-acting carbohydrates.

If you are a vegetarian, you can have a lunch like this:

Vegetable + Brown Rice + 1 cup cauliflower

Lunch for non-vegetarian fitness enthusiasts dreaming of a ripped body:

Mixed vegetables Brown Rice and Fish

    • Evening Snacks or Pre-Workout Meal

In the whole Ripped Body Workout diet plan, evening snacks can be extremely important. Snacks or pre workouts help fuel your body before working out with the energy needed to perform at your best during your workout

If you are vegetarian, sweet potatoes will be the best option. On the other hand, if you are not vegetarian, go for a pre-workout protein powder like Scitron Volcano Pre Workout .

    • Post-Workout Meal

After an intense ripped body workout, nothing is more rewarding than a delicious, nutritious meal that supports ripped muscle. Try Scitron Ripped Whey Protein as a post-workout meal. The BCCA element helps provide rapid recovery from a longer workout by decreasing muscle soreness.

    • Dinner

The last meal in the ripped body workout diet is dinner. It is better to opt for light foods that are high in protein and fibre. If you are vegetarian, then go for avocado and bean salad, and for non-vegetarians, chicken and some veggies are ideal for dinner.

Summing up!

With a healthy and well-rounded diet, you will be able to get a perfectly ripped body. And, don’t forget to include Scitron’s ripped whey protein in your diet to get a dream body faster than you ever imagined.

So, good luck and happy toning!